Sunday, 27 February 2011

Tafseer of Surah Mariam -1-

Part 1: Introduction: Alphabets in the Qur'an (verses1-2)

Here is a discussion of some of the verses of surah Mriam which is a beautiful surah in the Quran. You can listen to the lecture by Hajj Usama Alattar from here:

The first part of the surah (the first verses up to verse number 15) talks about prophet Zechariah(as), the father of Yehya(as)( in the Bible is referred to as John the Baptist). The next verses from 16 up to verse 36 talk about Mary(as), the holy noble lady whom the surah is named after. She is the only woman in the Quran who is mentioned by name. A whole chapter named after her in the Quran. The Quran highly praises Mary of her virtues, of her devoutness, of her great character. In addition to how great she was, this part talks about the birth of Jesus(as). The Quran mentioned something about the birth of Jesus that the Bible does not mention which is a miracle of Jesus(as). It is speaking in the cradle.

Let us start with the first verse " كهيعص"

Several surahs in the holy Quran starts with alphabets such as Albaqarah, Yousof, Qaf, Ssad and so on.

What is the meaning (reasons) of these letters and alphabets?
The interpreters of the Quran have given twelve reasons. The most reliable justifications are the following:
One justification suggests that when the Quran was revealed in Arabic, the people at the time.. people of Makkah and Arab people were very eloquent in Arabic and they had so many good poets.. They would write some beautiful poetry.. They were so articulate.. Arabic language was so structured and well-mastered by the Arabs. Unlike the time of other prophets, language was not one of the miracles. For example, at the time of Moses(as), it was not the language which was well-known.. It was magic.. They were so good at magic.. That is why he had to come with something that surpasses everything that they are known for. That is why among the first people who believed in Moses were the magicians themselves because what they saw in Moses is not magic according to their knowledge of their profession. Whatever he is bringing is something serious…unlike what they do. They realized that this is not magic so that they immediately believed in him. At the time of Jesus, people were well-known for medicine. That is why his miracle was bringing people back to life and he surpasses them. At the time of prophet Mohammad( peace be upon him), language was so eloquent and people were well-versed in language. So, the Quran, as a miracle, came to challenge their language. That is why the Quran in more than one occasion tells the people of Arabia that if you doubt that this Quran is revealed from Allah(swt), try to bring a Quran like this.., you will not succeed.. Then , Allah reduced the challenge and said bring ten surahs like the Quran… then, Allah reduced the challenge even further.. bring one surah..
Fourteen hundred years ago and until today, no one has been able to come up with verses like those of the Quran because any person who understand Arabic language very well( Just like the magicians understood the magic of Moses, they realized it was not magic..) knows that this is not words of a human being. People who are experts in language realize that this could not be challenged. Whatever Allah(swt) has revealed is, indeed, a miracle of time and of life.

What Allah is trying to challenge the people of Arabia and until the day of judgment is that these letters, some interpreters say, are just like a painter who paints a painting. The painter uses brushes, colors.. but, he paints a masterpiece.. Using the same tools does not mean that you are able to get similar painting. Similarly, one interpretation says Allah is giving these alphabets just to say to those who are challenging the Quran and saying that it is not from Allah that the Quran is composed of alphabets.. use them and see if you can come up with something that is better… This is one interpretation.

Another interpretation says that these alphabets contain some of the names of Allah(swt).
الله الكافي = ك=The one who suffices his servants.
الله الهادي =هـ= The one who guides them.
الله الولي= ي= The master.
الله العالي=ع= The one who is high and elevated.
الصادق الوعد= ص = The one who fulfils His promise.
Similarly, for other alphabets of the Quran, those alphabets could mean other things.

The third interpretation suggests that these alphabets have a hidden meaning.. Not every human being can discover their meaning and this is done for reason which is to keep the miraculousness and the holiness of the Quran.. That no matter you, human being, excel in science and language and so and so forth, there are certain things that you are not able to understand. So, it is one of these challenges made by Allah(swt) until the day of judgment where, except the prophet and the Imams( peace be upon them), nobody knows the meaning of these letters." ذكر رحمة ربك عبده زكريا(2)" سورة مريمThe second verse is talking about prophet Zachariah(as) which means" This is the mention of your lord's mercy His servant Zachariah".

It is a pride for every human being to be a slave of God. As a human being, God wants us to be free human beings, not slaves of other human beings. That is the prophet(pbuh) used to ask the companions to free servants and slaves, treat them with respect because they are human beings. Similarly, the Imams(as) used to buy the slaves and free them because human being in his nature does not want to be a slave.. He wants to be free and wants to be respected. However, when it comes to being the slave of Allah, we take pride of this. Not only we, Allah refers to prophet Mohammad(pbuh) in surah Al'isra which is surah number 17 as His servant and says
" سبحان الذي أسرى بعبده ليلاً من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى"" Glorified be Him, the one who migrated at night his servant( prophet Mohammad) from the Sacred Mosque to Jerusalem"

So, devout people take pride in being slaves of Allah(swt) and no one and nothing else other than Allah. some people are slaves of money. They do not donate and give money to charity. Other people are slaves of desires and other things, God forbid.

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